Project NameName your project was assignedProject Street AddressCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeDate of this reportProject Director NameEnter name of project director or person sending info to COMType of MinistryDate arrived on ProjectDate Left ProjectVolunteer Information SectionDo not report/duplicate numbers that are reported by the Project DirectorTotal Hours for Volunteer and SpouseTotal Number of Miles DrivenSpiritualDo not report/duplicate numbers reported by the project director.Tracts Distributedtracts distributedBibles DistributedGospel Conversations / PrayerProfessions of FaithFirst time professions of faithBaptismsbaptisms at your locationBible StudiesItems Distributed Section. Do not report / duplicate numbers reported by the Project DirectorDo not report/duplicate numbers reported by the Project Director.Mealsa meal can be a bowl of soup, a sandwich, pancakes, sack lunch, cereal, etcCold drinksCoffee/ hot chocolateFaces PaintedBracelets DistributedBalloons DistributedOther information or numbers you would like to report.SUBMIT