Project NameName your project was assignedProject Street AddressCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodeDate of this reportProject Director NameEnter name of project director or person sending info to COMProject DIrector"s Email AddressProject Director's PhoneType of MinistryStarting Date of ProjectDuration of ProjectVolunteer Information SectionNumber of Volunteers ParticipatingTotal Number of Hours of VolunteersTotal Number of Miles Driven of VolunteersSpiritualTracts Distributedtracts distributedBibles DistributedGospel Conversations / PrayerProfessions of FaithFirst time professions of faithBaptismsbaptisms at your locationBible StudiesItems Distributed SectionMealsa meal can be a bowl of soup, a sandwich, pancakes, sack lunch, cereal, etcCold drinksCoffee/ hot chocolateFaces PaintedBracelets DistributedBalloons DistributedOther information or numbers you would like to report.Send Message